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  1. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    hahaha you are too funny. thank you so much for showing me how wrong i am with your made up percentiles of smartness! ;D
  2. valjean

    What kinda budget do you need to have a private grow?

    square footage would be easier to estimate than plant number.. but the first estimate was what comes to my mind as well... a stack an a half.
  3. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    okay fine my intelligence was crudely insulted for my inferrencing. happy? interwebs..hehehe.
  4. valjean

    Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

    heres some pawn shop 101 if you arent accustomed to their shennanigans... find out what everything you have is worth, not when you got it but what its worth now. they arent going to give you more than a third of that and thats lucky, itll prob be more like 1/4. dont bring them a tv unless its...
  5. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    im pretty sure they decided it was demons so they dont need this thread anymore. if not speak now or forever hold your pee.
  6. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    ohhh jeez i totally forgot about that.....
  7. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    well you got all mad the first time i inferred anything that wasn't explicitly stated in your post. so i have taken you to be a fairly literal chap. and it doesnt matter what you call a made up percentile its still a made up percentile.. as in no basis in any reality but the one in your...
  8. valjean

    Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

    well look at it this way at the worst you are spending a buck fifty on his gun, are you economically well enough that he would just buy the gun if it cost that? and rare it is that a push in the right direction means towards a pawn shop... its a happy day for pawn shops everywhere.
  9. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    uuughhh that is disgusting......... thanks though :D learn something new everyday
  10. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    ahhh is that what googles called up north? advanced research? a quick search shows that new york is 16th out of the fifty states on the mean iq while virginia sits at 6th.... to be fair its pretty much all northern states on top but again IQ isnt a measure of intelligence otherwise the mean...
  11. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    no see in the south we know how to do research quickly with this cool diddy called google and then cite the work others have done. nifty huh?
  12. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    no i am fortunate enough i have never smelled a rotten onion.. i was wondering more about the repercussions of chicken liver in an electrical socket than the mode of placement. thank you for the explanation though i may someday use that although i don't often have reason to do anyone wrong.
  13. valjean

    Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

    i don't know i think you gotta make that call, maybe go pawn something so you don't have to dip in his money? not trying to imply anything thats just what i'd do if i was short and needed to get the wife a present.
  14. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    ohhh i see people up north are smarter figuratively not for real.... give me a minute i can make up statistics too. sorry for inferring things from your original post but being from the north i wouldn't expect you to be capable of inference or to understand the concept. and the rednecks...
  15. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    where do you get your statistics concerning IQ without tests? or schools? you sure do approach discourse in a... roundabout sorta way, maybe evasive is a better word. and yeah you are way to ready to talk smack on the south butt rape is the most likey cause of that. EDIT; didnt see the last post.
  16. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    you said IQ how are you not talking about IQ tests? what the fuck? you think im the one who's to stupid to talk with thats funny.... that is not the original what the hell are you talking about?
  17. valjean

    Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

    not if moneys tight
  18. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    so tell me how do you measure IQ without tests, you have a laser beam that reads out IQs? surely you with your vastly superior northern intellect have invented such a ray?
  19. valjean

    Sister's Friend Freak outs and Attacks her After Taking One Hit...

    oh i see i missed the word "IQ" which is even less substantial... those iq "tests" having been shown to be racially biased. im sorry if some of my southern brethren took your brown cherry. but you guys have about the same level of dipshit redneck population from what i can tell...