Thank God. The sooner you leave, the better this forum will be.
You cant always believe everything you read. Have you visited the faq's?Seriously man, by your logic everything on the inernet is true? :confused:
Sometimes a little common sense goes a long way. I am sorry to inform you, but...
And Im guessing you havent seen my journal/ :roll:
I dont give a flying fuck about wasteing a little bit of high quality Bubba Kush... I have enough weed right now to last a lifetime. :mrgreen:
Ok, first, your personal attacks and childish behavior will not be tolerated around here. Grow up
Just because you arent mature enough to reasonably discuss a subject does not give you the right to hurl insults at others. And by the way, if we were face to face I guarentee you wouldnt be so...
Ok, I called my bro (who lives in Austin) and told him Im coming in town on Oct 17th for the Momo's smoke out. So I'll be there for sure!!! Maybe I'll wear a shirt that says " bigtomatofarmer"
Haha, later guys
I ate some homegrown Bubba Kush the other day before a Jason Mraz concert. I didnt have time to roll a joint before the show, so I just grabbed a few nugs and started to chow down. It was pretty damn tastey too!! And yes, I got high. Very very high. It wasnt no fucking placebo effect either...
Whats the name of the song that quote is from??
That exact line is from an O. A. R. song.... Maybe they covered it??
Good band by the way... thanks man!!!!
thank you
He looks like a pedophile
On a brighter note, he is in the phone book
Now all I need is pay phone......
that is correct
best game ever is an opinion. thats why I said "one of the best games ever." which is not opinion, its fact.
And yes, you guessed right, Ninja Gaiden Sigma PS3 is one of the best games ever!!!!!!
I think Ill go play some Ninja Gaidenbongsmilie. I beat it on normal and...
Ill bump another Bubba Kush bongsmilie bump
Hey SICC, I see you've been smokin Bubba Kush for a while now. Same here my friend. Im growing 6 Bubba Kush plants right now, and Ive already harvested about 10 plants thus far. So Ill be smoking Bubba for a while.... Hahah, not that Im...