anybody know of any other effective was to keep animals and insects away. im really trying to stay away from pesticides and building barriers that would leave my fingers prints on it
so a trader joes opend up and they sell bottles of charles shaw wine for two dollars. they call it 2 buck chuck nd i really like how affordable it is, since a bottle of wine is basically a six pack. the thing is i really dnt like the taste of wine let alone a 2 dollar wine. does anyone know a...
well ive made a bong out of snow b4 filled it with cold water and stuck my stem in it. really smooth hits
not really sturdy wen the stem gets hot it starts melting fast
since you got most of the plot i dnt see where this would fit maybe a sequel but you gotta like have some weed plants that r zombified either cuz they died and came back or zombie was used in the fertalizer. i mean it gotta b some seriously killer shit like its so strong it makes you think your...
Just a repost but every1 wit a ps3 should add me PSN:Pumert
also i just finished story mode on veteran suprisingly its not that difficult. also ne1 wit serious spec op skills im trying to get 3 stars on all the challenges i think i got like 29 stars so far
So i hear tiger bloom is really really acidic. hear good things about every other FF product so im just wondering will a grow be efficient and optimum following a FF grow schedule by removing tiger bloom? and if not will using less tiger bloom be effective? but if the earlier mentioned...
i dont think its ilegal for them to simply discuss simple marijuana cultivation. isnt there a thing called freedom of information. if it didnt exist this whole website would be down
Now tell me what the fuck does his question ask
at first i thought ur pic was just sumtin funny on the internet now i know its really just a pic of u. fukin retard
im sure this is realy easy i cant type fractions so here is a pic
I think you need to solve for X. He needs to show work but i dnt care lol he should be happy enough im trying to get him the answer. neway if you can get X lemme noe but if you can post a pic showing work thats better but i...