Dude basically that same bullshit happened to me I was soo fucking pissed. I got let off so you should to but its still BS. Usually with ilegal search and seizure they give ur stuff back. i actually did ask and the judge just laughed. either way though i can completly understand ur frustration...
also my walls are covered in mylar (not real mylar just reversed wrapping paper but ive ben told its just as good) if that has any influence on the type of reflector
So my old setup involved CFLs and im thinking of moving up to a HPS setup the only thing is i have no idea what to look for. i mean im thinking of a 200W system but i have no idea what kind of reflector is best and at the risk of being flamed i have no idea what a Ballast is,does,or how to hook...
So i watched pineapple express for my 17th time and since ive also been playing call of duty MW2 alot it made me realize Why are there so many dudes? i mean not one female soldier. There are female soldiers in real life.
I ask again. Where Are the BooBies???
(feel free to submit pics of...
a politician writes a proposed law. Then it goes through a series complex channels of approval all the way up to the attorney gerneral. once it is finally approved by the attorney general it is then required to recieve a designated number of signatures. if it receives enough signatures by a set...
just think if you put a fake name on and the mail man realizes its not the normal name to your address he may put it in lost mail or mark as a suspicious letter. then again its just a maybe. just b safe put ur first name and last initial