Ya same link sorry.. heres the one i ment http://www.homedepot.com/Electrical-Light-Bulbs-Compact-Tube-Fluorescents-Compact-Fluorescents/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5ZbmatZ1z11xu2/R-100186835/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
Its the same thing but compart light.. would a...
Or would this light be better http://www.homedepot.com/Electrical-Light-Bulbs-Compact-Tube-Fluorescents-Compact-Fluorescents/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5Zbmat/R-100676712/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
ITs a 68 watt bulb http://www.homedepot.com/Electrical-Light-Bulbs-Compact-Tube-Fluorescents-Compact-Fluorescents/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5Zbmat/R-100676712/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
I need lights i can buy at like home depot, that fits regular light socket. I...
Nah, When i first started smoking 1 hit got me wasted. The weed i grow, my friends get high as shit 1 hit. As for me, I dont. And yes im exsessive. very. Soon as i wake up i wake n bake. Its like a smoker smoking a pack of cigs a day. i just smoke a pack of joints a day.
I have taken a coffee grinder and grinded it enough to fit 5g of weed in `1 bowl, hitting it with 2 lights... and then i cant even open my eyes.. its like there taped shut. 8)
Ya sounds like i might need to stop for 2 weeks.. and drink 5 cases of redbull, witch has niacin in it. And for 1. if i smoked 20grams of shit weed a day, id have lung cancer in a year. So be real.
Sounds like ur crying like a bitch lol. My weed sells 50an 1/8, so dont cry over the fact ur bitch ass takes a small amount to get high. Sorry u cant afford to smoke 100 dollers plus a day. U must be on food stamps..
I grow my own weed and smoke tones. I smoke around 10-20grams a day. I use a bong.. it takes around 3-5 bowls to get me a little high. Then i come inside cuss of the cold. IS There a better way to comsume weed? Or maybe a certain way to smoke weed?? Any tips are welcome.
Are u using the whole attic to try to grow a couple of plants? Id pick a nice corner, or where ever your ventulation is, and use 3m plastic. Build a nice regtangular box that will fit the ammount of plants u have. Less space there is.. less space u have to heat or cool. And u can always buy...
cant tell bro. force it to sprout... put it in a cuburd lol for 15hours a day. It will force flower, ull be able to tell 2-4days. I allways get about 30 starter plants going about 1 foot tall.. Then put them in cubards forcing them to flower.. then take the females, kill the males. Saves...
I add slices of orange peal or lime peals fresh 1s. And be sure when ur burping jars... dont take them from ur 70 degree house to say like 40degrees out side.. Condensation will happen and u will probly automaticly see mostiure gathering at the top of ur jars.. even when there closed.
I got like 20 1oz jars filled with chonic i just dryed and now put intojars. I been burping the jars every 12 hours for last 2 days. last 24 hours the jars have had no moisture or anything i can tell. I was Wondering if there is none.. Do i have to burb the jars.. Can i just leave them with...
Allmost all weed when u start to dry it, smells like hay or pine needles.. Most of the time its caused by the still left chlorophil in the plant. Some people when they first cut the limps hung them in the garage.. or some were the has the benafit of getting COLD and WARM.. like regular day...
Thanks man.. thats what i needed. Just to make sure.. ill let them sit in paper bags 1 more day. Do they have to be dry to the point the stems snap to be cured?? All the vids on line show people curing them to the point were the stems snap. not before.. So many things u can do.. its hard to...
HAHAHHA.. man so true.. ya this mexican ween around here is pure shit.. good to roll phat blunts but thats bout it.. and coughing ur head off. Does any 1 here know about curing... I have all the buds cut to quarter size nugs.. and are in large paper bags.. Does any 1 know when i should start...
Ya she had 2-3 weeks left to flower... But it was sapose to snow 2 nights ago.. and guess what it did.. was 18 degrees...I grow out doors.. in 5 gallon jugs.. So ither i harvest early, or i let them freeze and let the cell walls go to mush from ice crystals. Had it hanging for 5 days, now i...