My grow box is across the room like 6 feet from my Grow box, and the box may be some small holes and what not. Will the TV light thats getting in there Mess up the flowering? while its on dark period?.
i was just going with an SOG grow was wasent sure on how to obtain just a single stock. im just messing around..... my fixture with lights cost me 12 dollers.... the lights i use are like 2.50 each at walmart....
WOW nice, just the info i needed bro.. thanks.....And of course i should put in the 2700k bulbs in for the 12/12 right when i start it? Probly a dumb question.
i have a very small space.. and some 1 told me that i could grow 10 plants in a 2x2 area... and grow them all SINGLE stocks nothing else straight up. I got 10 plants going in a 2x2 area with 4 CFL lights on them... Ill put some pics below. MY ???? is, How do i trim or cut plants to...
THanks man. this is my second grow.... my frist grow was an out door grow with 1 plant.. i Grew that baby for 6 months and it was over 8 feet tall. I got over 1 pound of bud off of it.. it lasted me tell now.. about mid jan.... So i hope these babys grow faster. If u guys can look there all...
hahaha ya... time to die u fucking algae, sucking up my superthrive probably u little bastards...... MUHAHAHAHAHAH .... i wrapped them all in black duct tape. GF algae.
Thanks guys just the info i needed. I have 10 plants going from seed 24/0 of light. half are on day 8 and the other half are on day 4. .. i coverd them all with black tape. All i am using are 4....27watt CFL bulbs.
hahahaha lol, ya well i got a nice fan at bottom right.. u can see in first pic.... it does a good job.. stays around 75-85 in there. I coverd all the 2 litter bottles with black tape...... I could see algae growing through the bottle. Looked really weird.
Im growing in 2 litter bottles, and the clear 1 u can see green stuff growing all over inside the the 2 little bottle around the plants roots. This plant is 5 days old on 24/0 of light. CFL
I started 9 plants from seed, some have taken off and some have not. The larger 1s are 7days old, med 1s 5days old and the tinny 1s are about 2days old.
My grow box is a cardboard box cut long ways... and duct tap to the wall.. then the walls linned with Tin foil.. then i swing the card board...
could u use somthing like this? to grow weed or am i stoned
Well screw that lol.. Guess ill just buy 4 of the 68watt circular 1s. Try to find some with all spectrum.. then a white bulb for the 3000 spectrum..
Any 1 of any suggestions on light fixtures.. or how to set up 2-4 bulbs? Point them left to right and use reflectoive material on top... or...