Beautiful electrical knowledge, I printed that jewel out & will keep handy for the future.
Right now, could you tell me the absolute maximum that a sprout could stay in a rapid rooter?
These are the photo period girls, several were much friskier than the others & have had taps stickin out the...
Sampson, so i grabbed some of that ona gel ya told me.
The directions are super descriptive, its something like:
"Expose more surface area until you reach desired effect" or some shit like that.
Could you translate that. Spread on some type of medium, like a plate perhaps?
Sorry if this is a...
thanks bro, I appreciate you bein willin to assist me w/ my situation. Flowers are still forming, but suppose that happens even if they are knocked up, correct?
Yeah that Kog guy is great. Love his video, gets a little philosophical & almost a little too deep some times, but it all sounds like...
Sampsob, first thing bro, thanks for the kind words & condolences bout @ least knowin I can grow & do it well. Comin from you, that means alot.
Alright enough with the warm fuzzy shit. Yeah bro, they flowers are continuing to keep kickin out some fuzzy pussies (old cheech & chong ref. not a...
hey bro, I ain't tryin to polish ur jumblies for you or anything, but man this is some killer spot on info.
far out, ur avatar's an absolute trip too.
Good insightful shit for real. That seems spot on, from a logical hypothetical point of view of course.
Yeah, I been tryin some DIY Co2...
Dude, thanks again for tur time & help. Lawdy lawdy my man, those things did go QUICK.
Not that I have dick for a comparison (as this is I'm breakin my cherry here, been burnun daily for bout 2 decades, and just can't handle layin out 20 bucks a g for the kind. It's gettin sad on the east coast...
Hey friend, I really do appreciate you takin the time to take a peak @ my little quagmire & hook ur opinion. You def. sound like this ain't ur first rodeo.
If you don't mind checking back in a week, I'd love if I could take some pics of the calyxes as you suggested & post to get your opinion...
Indeed, well said on all accounts. Those good ol smacks in the face are unfortunately generally what i need.
Thanks for the no BS opinion.
I'm watchin em close. They are stil kickin out flowers but only time will tell.
I've come to terms with the fact that they're tainted, but if they aren't...
dude, super sexy, wish ya lawdy lawdy i wish my girls were untainted & looked like that. Respek me brova!
I'm really holdin out hope that I'm in the clear, flowers are still pumpin out. But I suppose flowers would continue to form whether they were knocked up or not.
Gonna wait a day or 2 &...
Dude I believe it. Homey got me thru this far. Ev thing was goin perfect, til the prick reared his ugly head (and I didn;t ID him of course).
The very best part was that the day before I discovered that nasty Y chromosone, I posted some pics tellin sampson how pimp my virgin grow was goin. HA...
Right on my man, thanks for the condolences bout my situation. Yeah, pretty fukn sure that Sex will be something I am even more anal retentive than I already am on (pun intenededfor sure).
Nah for real, it is blowin me right now. Feel like a total twerp if i pissed all that flow away.
Whats up my man, tryin to keep my head on straight & get thru the week with all the dram's happenin with the girls.
I appreciate ur candid advice & prognosis.
If I take some close up shots of the the pistils tonight, could you ID for me? (Or try to).
Not sweatin too badly @ this point. I'm...
Man I appreciate ur feedback. When do you think I will be able to tell 100% from the girls if they indeed got knocked up.
THanks again for ur help my friend
gentleman, apologies if I am jackin the thread here, or any other taboo etiquette, but I am in desperate need of some help.
Currently have some auto white russians & auto ak's (lowlfe) goin. GOt all (what i thought) were fem'd beans.
I'm about 3-4 days into bloom (maybe a week since first...
OK, I have the rat bastard outside (far from the girls), I'll get some pics of him tonight & try & get you something to try & make an analysis.
Man I feel like a tool. It's cause I had to boast about how well things were going, HA.
For real, wow, what a pain in the deacon.
Anyway, let's hope...
Alright Goose, that bad man is far far away from my girls.
Lemme know if there is any damage control I can do. Or if I am just prayin.
That was the largest of the group. The one that I "thought" had the first flower.
Man Im glad you told me dude.
I have to say since it was the tallest...
Man I hope this is a really dumb question, but could you look at the pics?
This is the tallest, and the one with the pre-flower i asked ya about. But man these types flowers (if thats what they are, are totally unlike any of the rest that are the a typical nodgies.
WHats the deal, if this is...
Preesh the confirmation homey.
Photo girls are having an extremely high rate of germ. success. I for real would (IMHO of course), start tellin people that method instead of paper towels.
Who knows, mybe paper towels are better, but my luck straight sux dude. And if I get this good a results, I...
Sampson, or anyone out there ever heard of Dinafem? I received a Dinafem widow bean (freebie w/ my order), and from the name I am assuming it's a fem. However, I would LOVE to be certain. Spent alot o' $$ makin sure that there is a zero percentage of Y chromosones.
Any feedback would be...