alright my man, say fuk & threw the 600 watt on the ol credit card & got that en route. Will be here & ready to roll for when autos finish.
Here are some close ups.
Not nearly as nice as I like, fukd w/ the light a little, but still couldn't get some o' the ones I really wanna post. Hopefully...
yo KB, tried messin w/ the light a little & got some close ups that are a little betta.
Take a peak & lemme know what ya think.
Also, any guesses on chopped & dry?
Great explanation. SOLD on my end. Sounds like a descent technique to practice/perfect, but not something for breakin my cherry. I'll get a few notches in my belt & then maybe give a whirl.
I believe I have the close up thing down. Well maybe not so much down, I just took some betta close ups...
Wow, killer info. bout that floro. Wow, a floro that puts out more than an HID, (or potentially twice as much if u increase mobility). I would love to grab one of those, but dough is an issue. on this.
I also preesh the candor bout gettin anything less than a 400. I will either go 400 or 600...
KB, thanks my man. I'm super pumped as well. Breakin my cherry & all. I will follow your advice for a betta close up & hook that up tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for all the kind words!
Would you care to wager any guesses dry, on mine?
I prob. have at least 7 or 8 branches that are @ least 24"...
Ahh, really nice to hear w/ certainty that I'm in the clear on the pollen. (I understand you can only be but so certain w/ out puttin ur eyeballs on 'em.) But still fukn great to hear.
I'll work on perfected my bud porn technique.
PLEASE explain to me how a floro is $500 beans. I noticed the...
slick, here we are.
Also, killer suggestion bout tyin down that guy that formerly was on the far right side.
That night you advised, I started tyin her down straight in middle of canopy to even out, as you said.
It's been fattening up very nice, totally bud porn worthy for a newb like me. But...
what up KB, got some close ups of the girls here.
ALL are still kicking out white hairs & crystals & overall fuzzy frostiness, so really hopin they aren't knocked up, cause they would stop bud production & focus on bean production, as is their natural M.O.
Is it safe to say I'm in the clear...
hey man, sorry for bein awol. Had some family drams to sort out.
Anyway, heres the photo of the girlie in question.
She's lookin rough dude. Very droopy, leaves feel almost dried up & roots pokin out bottom of cube have a little bit o' brown on 'em.
I belive even I am qualified to say she's...
hey man, had one helluva good friday after hearing ur feedback bout me girls.
Def. figure out way to get better close ups w/ out the hps on.
Anyway, tonight I have x1 cube that has a little lady that just startin wiltin a little bit today.
Interesting & important to note that it had by far...
I gotta tell ya my man, you have made my day quite a few times here in past few weeks. But damn if this ain't a sweet fukn Friday.
Thanks for the ever so kind words bout photo girlies. I'm gonna bring in another reg. lamp or something to help me get better pics. w/ hps off.
But yeah homey...
This what i mean't bout the screen that holds 'em up to keep from touchin bottom of tray.
Got keep these goyles happy til the autos get chopped. Break off some wisdom chief!
Also, sprayed peroxide lightly on on the affected spots (the ones w/ green shmegma),
I assume it is best to treat w/...
Hey bro, saw the post above about sure to grow (sounds like its the exact opposite).
Anyway, thats the white kinda styrofoam lookin stuff, correct?
Please advise, I actually was virtually a click or two away from buyin that shiz for my first go, then ended up playin safe & goin w/ hydroton @...
Ahh, so letting them (roots) grow thru the cubes might actually do what I was hoping, stunt growth just a wee bit to ensure they don't get too tall for v-drip before autos finish.
I do have the option of putting them into 4" square net pots (I ordered extra pots on top of the ones holding the...
Thank sweet goodness that i dodged that bullet. Dude, they are gettin all frosty & stanky & I jsut pretty much pull up a seat after a long shitty day & just stare @ those sexy bitches. It's really kinda startin to look bitchin in there.
So thanks so much for helpin me dodge that bullet (still...
Hey brotha, was happy & a wee bit concerned when I saw that basically all my cubes have got roots poppin thru the bottoms.
How long will they be cool like that?
Should I go ahead & get them into those square 4" pots (which also do fit into v-drip), or leave in cubes for duration til autos...
Holll-eee shit my man. Dude, I totally have a semi-love on right now. Wow. Man I am just a little teeny squirrel in your world. THanks again for all your time, as I can see it is quite fukn valuable.
ANd sweet christ man, how the balls do you rinse all that hydroton.
Wow, man I would love to...
Wicked points my man, especially in this particular economic climate, when their resources are stretched thin. I'll leave that one alone, and yeah the fight club rule thing, that has been my battle cry. You are my only contact for show & tell goose. And I def. plan on keepin it that way, least...
Sorry dude, 4got to ask bout increasing potency on nutes for photo seedlings. basically how many days on 1/4, how many on 1/2.
Do you believe in 3/4, or straight balls in to full strength after a few days of positive growth?
BTW, those spots are clearing up nice & lookin prettty sturdy &...
Damn, thanks my man, 2 kind, 2 kind.
This is perfect, I will read this shiz down.
Great info. on the drying. I like those racks, look sweet, but appears that I would have to order from overseas. Bet shipping be a bitch, but they pretty cheap.
I like the box idea better. THat sounds wicked &...