imo it's stupid to get your house all decked out for a religious holidya that probably means nothing more to you than getting and giving presents. i am no longer celebrating. i am no longer going to participate in comercialized religious holidays that i don't believe in. i feel kind of sick that...
sounds interesting. idon't think i get that channel but even if i did, i wouldn't watch it. i never caed for the oprah show. i only watch hbo, showtime and netflix. oce n a while fx or amc but rarely
that reall sucks man. death of a pet has to be the most depressing event ever. i cry just thinking about my dogs getting older. rip nibbs :(
I am sorry cheezy *hugs*
i am around on Fri. let me know if you can meet. Jin too if he's not working. i am on a productive kick, getting lots done these...
those pancaeks look awesome.
i also suck at finding employment lol. i also suck at running and at many sports esp. basketball. & i suck at ice skating but i do it anyway.
i grow for personal use and ive had some friends desiring to buy from me and i am sure hey would pay the same amount we pay at dispensaries but it would only be a couple grams here and there - doesn't add up to much... i would't mind selling if i grew more but i grow such a small amount for...
pointless to fear it, it happens to everyone. it's not such a bad thing, never felt i had too much to live for. death will be a welcomed break from the daily grind.
yeah i agree, it's not a big bang for your buck because mine took forever to finish but she was 5ft5 so there was a decen amount but i wouuld have had more if i had grown any other strain i bet lol. the high can't be beat :)
i am just starting to grasp this hipster thing and it said ont he article that i read that the hipster style died a few years ago. an entire style i was never aware of until now and it's gone. i do see some of these similar types around but i don't think of them as hipsters, i think of them as...