antiques, cooking, walking, gardening, drinking, dogs, photography, blogging, web devel, architecture, decorating, baking
i want to beekeep and get a nano aquarium
get one of these
i have one, it works great.
missed you cheezy. :evil:
lol, the concept of tryin gto look a certain way is very strange to me. i wear what i am comfortable in and what looks appropriate. i don't try to fit into a certain group. you're just a kid - i get it.
why can't u do driving school?? $? I wouldn't want to spend on that either if that's the case, especially when your parents could just suck it up and take you to a parking lot for free. did you ask nicely?
lol, i agree with dots
i do feel bad fo rher because she is 25 and nothings going on in her life. i don't kno whow old youa re but at 25, if nothings going on, you feel like nothing will ever go on and it probably won't sadly. she should probably seek professional counseling & you should be...
does anyone else have a browser issue where everything is misaligned? there is no area for the avatar, it's bumped over by the rap and all the posts are in the same box. it's awful.
i am on ie8. i know ie is stupid, i don't need to hear that.
not feeling i could understand if he had some kind of nerve issue. i have no idea why that would eb the case and i am sure it's not but not smelling it, that's weird! i hope you can work through it wth him quickly, just try to be patient and listen to him, pay attention, you will figure it out...