i bet u could look this up on wikipedia. the invention of glasses and sight tests. i always look up crazy shit but i retaiin nothing so it's as if i never did any resarch
i haven't smoked in a few days and i notice i can become a very dark character. i think i need to toke before i fall deeper into my funk.
i was looking for work and i thought what if they drug test but i am being silly. i fthey test and i fail OH WELL. look for anotehr job. i think u all got me...
i don't think childless is meaningless either. in fact, i do not want children. i think children are for the benefit of the parents because life isn't all peacy and fun. i wouldn't want to put it on another person & I feel bad for the younger generation.
i dont see too well but i see well enough to get around. i may get lost occasionally but i think id be ok. there r some perks to not seeing well, i see better close up than most people with 20/20.
i dont think you're desperate to offer. it's only desperate if you offer OVER and OVER and keep claling when he's clearly trying to get ome breathing room.
i think it's desperate when a person doesn't respond and you keep trying to get in touch with them or whatever. i've done it but yeah, i was desperate. not desprate in general but desperate to get in touch which is essentially the same thing.
you have to find something mutual. like me and my...
better off in the nursing home than in your car lol. i met an old lady who lived in her car with 3 dogs. she had no access to medical for her or her dogs. so sad.
i think the US is a good place to live when you're young but you don't want to get old here because we have no programs for the elderly. i see seniors picking out of the garbage and living in their cars every day.
well here, if you work for over 6 months fulltime, you're elligable for unemployment for a period of time. it's not a lot of money, the maximum pay is 400 a week. even if you were making 150k a year, you will only get 400 a month, regardless of how many people are dependent on you. also...
the news lies. they tell the public that things are improving to try to build confidence. they misreport the #s. besides the unemployment # is based on those who are collecting. many have exceeded the max collection and are now unable to collect. all those people are out of work but being...
u guys r such complainers. u should see how many mexicans i encounter on a daily basis. i doubt there r that mant polish people around those parts lol. i can't complain though, i live in a sunny climate
yes, it's called property tax. it can be 10k a year or more. iin the middle of the country, it's very reasonable but places like NY or CA can have 20k property tax.
when i was younger, i was paying 300 a month for car insurance but now it's lower.
gas is much cheaper but we have to pay for...