iits not thai tea is it? they make a thai tea here that's like tea with half and half and sugar hehe.
i like chinesse tea too. they serve oolong i think. i don't have any of that but i should get some
I love tea. I have different teas all the time.
anyone have any favorites?
I love this one i am drinking now, it's a white tea wtih a vanilla/blueberry taste. it's so goood.
i also like mighty tea vanilla & tazo Zen. i always switch. coffee bean has a nice chai i drink often.
i just smoked. theere goes the job potential. i was very serious abaout getting a job but now i dont' know. i really don't see it working out.
if i put that near my bf he would yell at me. i always play pranks like that. he won't tolerate it LOL.
i doubt i am getting a job anyway. i work from home. i do need some extra income but hopefully i dont have to work at a place where they piss test becase i am not going to quit smoking forever and most likely not even get a job. most places aren't even hiring anyway. too many unemployed. no one...
LOL, if a job wants to piss test, i am ust going to tell them it's against my principles and that i am a medical marijuana user with a prescription and they can shove it up their ass. seriously!!!
lofl, i will smoke but i am too cheap to get a whizzanator.
i bet you i could get a good lawsuit going on if i pulled that out and then they didn't hire me.
hmmm, day dreaming about all the money i wil l make.
i have to do some work b4 i smoke...... :-?
i am going to smoke in a while. i have a lot of weed and i haven't been smoking it because i am paranoid. there is just no need to live each day without smkoing.
on an aside, companies aren't supposed to discriminate against transgender people or gay or fat or whatever, but they do, they will...
i don't feel the need to do it. i am not close with m family. i am also not traditional, not religious... i don't feel the need to raise a biological peron. i don't care about carrying on a name. many people have the same name.
if that's how you feel...
i don't desire to leave anything behind.
i am sure you will be a great dad & i am happy for you.
I hope your health improves. my health s ucks too. i'd hate to pass my bad genetics on to a child. i would consider adopting but not now and not to leave someone behind...