i don't skateboard -- anymore!
i have not skated since 2003.
i came across this video of a guy's skate session dating back from 1991!
i don't know if it's just me -- but this guy's style is really, really good considering the fact that it's 1991!
wut doo u th1nkz...
yes -- i have a light (or so i think) spider mite problem... :mad:
i have the, "don't bug me" spray from fox farms -- but my plants just started flowering a few days ago so now i'm trying to go the all-natural route.
using lady bugs seems to make more then enough sense to me but i'm still not...
i plan on buying a pack of lady bugs from the nursery... the problem though is they only come in a pack of 1500... i'm dividing them between 4 plants... do you think that 1500 is overkill between 4 medium-sized bushy plants?
thanks... :)
5 days ago.
there's half of me wanting to believe it's a swollen-preflower, because there are white pistils sticking out of it... then the other half, when it comes to hermies (since hermies are both male and female) i can't tell if it's a male-ball with female-pistils coming out...
thank you!
here's another photo if anyone else wants to drop their opinion.
there's a white pistil literally shooting out of it.
i'll try my best again to take a better photo when the sunny finally comes out.
thank you.
so even if it is a hermaphrodite -- white pistils do not shoot out of male pods?
here's somewhat of a better photo... it's night time so i will try again during the day with sunlight.
unfortunately this photo is bad quality.
i will take a better one in the morning.
this "cali gold" started flowering 4 days ago and there's a few of these "pods" with white hairs shooting out of it... i'm not experienced enough if it's a "calyx" or a, "male pod".
thank you!!!
i have a hermaphrodite that's barely one week into flowering and 3 guaranteed females that are still vegging... this is all an outdoor grow.
i want to grow out the hermaphrodite for fun... i would like to know how far away is enough to guarantee the hermie will not pollinate my 3 females...
... or am i worrying too much?
she's in a 3 gallon bucket (ocean forest soil, day 41, started out as a 6 inch clone) and as of last week exploded in growth and now it's bushiness seems to keep the sun from fully lighting the soil... is this going to be an issue?
thank you.