Id love to mix durban poison and great white shark.. mainly cause they remind me of home and i think they would make a lovely plant to look at, and once smoked would leave you half way between heaven and earth :D
my dream strain would be a strain that grew to give nothing less than 1kg of bud per plant, stayed under 1.5m tall, and smelt like passion fruit :D
but if i could my my own hybrid with 2 strains already in existance i am not sure ill take a look at get back to ya :D
dam man i realy feel for you....
an old school out door grower from aust gave me a great tip you might wanna use if your gonna go the chicked wire.. burn it in a fire so its camos really well with the out doors... im still yet to do this but god dam i was look at the spot im gonna be putting...
Ok so me and a few mates have been talking about what strains that we can actualy say for a fact are here in australia.... and honestly couldnt say anything for surtain hehehehe not a suprise really... SO this prompted me to post this thread and find out if anyone in aust actualy knows what...
I am a newb my self mate... but am getting a lot of help from a few ppl.. big THANX to you all you know who you are :D
and they have advised if you are going to plant out side to germ em inside wait 3 - 4 weeks and then plant em out side.. and that it is best to plant em now so they dont dry...