that would be sick bro.. of course you know i'd say by-pass the MH and go with satellite floros.... but thats just me... lol but yea, i could see that working quite well... hell it might be reason enough for me to move....
i wouldnt try to cut her in half.. your best bet is to work on LST'ing her... just do it over a week or so.. bending a little more every day.. until you get it where you want it... it will bend and adjust itself to get the light....
and as far as flowering goes you'll always want more dark than...
ill get some pics up soon... thats for sure....
really tho.. we have to keep things in perspective.. i have over half of your total wattage in an area probably half as big.. its basically what i have to do to push my plants and get the results i want... if i was trying to be at all efficient i...
forgot to chime in about led lighting....
its a waste of money.... it truely is.... granted its cheap to run... and you do get results.. its a genuine waste of money...
if you base end results on overall yield (not gram per watt nessicarily) then you would be crazy to get led over hps... it...
looking good bro and making hella head way... shit looks like your doing it right!! sounds like you have a nice routine down.. girls are healthy looking.. what can i say but fucks ya bro!
im getting ready to get a new ezcloner for myself.. i want to get the 120 site and build a seperate...
some companies cover their seeds with a color coating chart... they usually do that when you get a mixed assortment of seeds... its odd they would do it with 1 single seed.. i havent ever heard any real good things about the color coated ones... hopefully you have good luck!
it sounds like...
its not the ph itself.. what i was trying to say is that the salt build up causes ph issues which cause lock out... that salt is still nutrients.. and lock out happens over time.. so at a point where lock out is in full effect and your plant is suffering severly from defs, there is actually a...
now this is a total assumption that you are talking about running clones 12/12.. and have a seperate veg/cloning area for rooting... otherwise this wont work..
alright.. the easiest fix would be to do this... (if its possible)
put the res on the ground instead of up top... put a pump in...
glad you had a fun trip slip.... wish i could get away for a while.. seems everytime i get a chance something new comes up.. im waiting on my female pit to have her litter of pups... yep.. more dogs for me... lol
been really slackin on the journal thing lately guys.. i appologize... not...
thank you
the FIM looks great.. should produce you a few nice new tops.. itll take a week or so to tell how many you get tho...
as far as the SC goes... if i see right in the pic it looks like you tried to SC a fan leaf.... which would explain why it wilted.. it looks like you did it right...
for further piece of mind SH2H... the original preflowers you see that are at the nodes will die like you see.. the pistils that come from them will die off.. so unless you see pistils dieing on the actual forming flowers.. and i dont mean 1 or 2 here and there... the entire flowers pistils will...
hey bro... hows things going??
so flowering feels like its taking forever huh?? lol it will feel that way... then one day all of a sudden they will explode and swell like mad... then level off... then explode.. ive noticed its more of a spurt thing than a constant.. they will always continue...
dont mind at all.. i actually watched this video before the first time i ever started to super crop..
i have a nice new camera and plan on making my video series here soon.. just wanted to have a nice high def camera to make everything pretty and easy to see..
thank you and your welcome...
anytime in veg is fine.. even within the first week or two of flowering is ok.... stick with fimming over topping tho.. better results with less stress..
the picture is accurate enough... based on that pic, if you follow it, you would cut through the entire top... i personally dont do that.. i pull the outer layer of leaves away and pinch just the center part.. either way is fine.. try both and see which offers the best results..
basically your bulbs need changed out every couple grows to stay preforming well.. after a while you'll notice a big drop in their output and results.. so not blowing them up is good.. lol but you cant really prolong the bulbs life much past what it is good for...
now i've never heard of...
the yumbolt47 plants look amazing.. nice and full and big.. you cant go wrong with that or the ny47.. i like the looks of that wembley to... i suppose if i was to pick two i would go yum47 and wembley...
the fluid you feed with and water you use wont actually affect the soils ph... here is...
you can let them go until they are almost completely covered in roots... just make sure they stay moist so the roots dont dry out!
to raise the ph just dont add any nutes for a watering or two... it sounds like you may have the onset of some slight lock out.. just water with ph adjusted...
here is what i would need to know to really help you out.. all i need to know is how many amps the circuit you are using is and how many amps the power strips you are using are rated for...
as far as lighting goes i would actually say go with 1 x 600 over 2 x 400s... much better efficiency...