it's possible. the key is to leave it alone. i notice the more i try, the worse things are. they actually like the soil a bit on the dry side. don't water until the soil is dry to the touch. stick your finger into the soil about an inch and feel for moisture. if u feel moist, don't water. i go...
it's such a beautiful day! i hope you're out doing something nice cheezy. this life of being unemployed isn't so bad. haha. i try not to get used to it becase I know it's not realistic to live like a retiree for ever.
my dogs love you, they were parctically sitting on your lap lol.
that's ok. it could continue to grow regardless. u don't have to put too much energy into small plants. they grow and do their thing. i leave mine outside sometimes & don't tend to them very much. just be patietn and see how it works out.
i wouldn't give up on the plant because of bugs. you can spray if you need to. just leave the plant be. is it a feminized seed? lol, it sux when u get all caught up in growing and then the plant turns out to be a dood.
morning to u too. i haven't even had a cup of coffee. i am trying to motivate to go on a hike with my dogs.
i overslept and i feel like shit from drinking the tequila last night :dunce:
how r u doing today?
LOL, I can't pop them all bc I dont have the resources to have that many plants growing at the same time.
if i got a boy, could i make some seeds crossed with my fire og?
i planted 2 seeds for now. i will plant some more.
the grape is starting to come up too! :)
i hope i have girls!!
your mailbox is full.
taco tuesday is a real thing LOL. i will drink for a whiskey weds and a marg monday as well. i smoke fire everyday hehehe. i hope my plants grow big and strong :)