to tell u the truth, any hook up is fake. theres really no way to get anythiing for cheaper than it is in the retail store. i believe u would have more luck gettin ggucci on sale than louie. louie is never on sale. it's retail price or it's fake or it's used & maybe sightly beat-up. sorry...
milk is bad for reflux i thought. u shoud take 40mg of prilosec in the AM b4 eating and see if it helps. u have to do it for a few months to see results. avoid acidic foods and dairy
i finally slept. i had some crazy dreams too. hehehehe. yes, the real world isn't as intense but if we had some fun in our sleep, that might make up for it? i wonder if i am doomed to have insomnia for the next whoknowshowlong due to getting one night with some rest.
how is there little info? we said it's a slow flower, a lanky plant, not abig yield but great smoke!!
my sig has a post where I grew out my fire OG plant 2x. the pix go from beginning to end, through a reveg and 2nd harvest.
now i have 2 fire og kush clones and some new plants growing.
i was up on the couch watching robot chicken wired. too much coffee i guess. today i am going to drink some beers, hopefully that helps me to get some rest later.
I am 99% sure Urca didn't mean to insult you April. I've known you both for a while & you're both great. No reason for anyone to intentionally insult anyone in my opinion. xoxo
sounds like a waste of time. i get those emails everyday, about 10 of them and i throw them all out. why would anyone take that serously? if you think someone in nigeria who you never met has some kind of inheritance for you and you fall for that crap, you have a mental problem and should seek...
way nerdier than that. i mean serious computer nerd stuff. i wouldn't even say it here for fear someone will see me on the street and know who i am bc i am such a nerd.
why dodes everything turn into such drama???
tteehee. i have a console irc client on my linux machine in he other room and i ssh into it sometimes. i went to the RIU chat once wiht my friend stonedpony but i haven't been back. i thuoght the chat room was kinda gay