That plant`s gone.Just go ahead and harvest what you can and center on your other plants.It looks like there all burnt a little bit??Just me.But by all means take everything I say with a grain of salt..Good Luck..
Any local electric supply should have a small waterproof inclosure that is big enough for all of your componits.Be sure to bolt the transformer down.If you can,also use small wire ties to keep wireing straight and neat..Good luck on Your grow.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High!!
First of all,Ya better learn how to grow it then cure it.Also there`s about as many kinds of tobacco as there is pot.Some are fillers and some are rollers or outside leaf.The latter are very costly.So to try to grow your own,I Don`t Think So.I`d be cheaper to buy it already grown and cured.Then...
Check your dark time on your timer,be sure that your getting at least 12 hours Dark.A little more wouldn`t hurt.(Just to be Sure)P.S Check Your Nutes...Good Luck with Your Grow.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High.........
I think a rubbermade container big enough for your bucket to sit in.Run a small pump to your sprayers.Put the pump on a timer and your done.Good Luck on your grow!Stay Happy,Healthy,and High>>
Or you could pop over to Radio Shack and get a styliss scope for about 12$.There`s two choices.Now rip your hair out...LOL Anyway stay Happy,Healthy,and High..
Hang it up in a room with a dehumifier for w week or so then lightly pack in small totes and burp every day till completly cured.That`s what I`d do.But thats just me.BUT it does work!!
If She still looks good after all the bad weather,I would.A little more probably wouldn`t hurt.If still in question.Folar spray.That`s just me.Anyway Good luck on your grow..
First of all.I think you should finish School.I take it that your not old enough to get out from your Mothers dress tail.Grow up Finish School and then Worry about how much and what kind of bud you want to smoke when your Old enough.I`m not gettin down on you.Just get out on your on befor you...
I think I would split the pound and vacume pack both halves.Then I could put it up in some good hiding places.It`s likely that they would never find both halves.Just a thought.Good luck on your move!!
You ought to look into Attitude Seeds.They`ve got about anything you might want.Plus I personally Trust Their Shippin.Good Luck on your Grow.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High..