ok so i would like some info on snapping the main stem on a plant, will it help the plant out with more growth? caus some old school grower i know snap there plants and it turns out they get like alot more yeild. id like this cleared up caus im experementing on my plants!
OK folks good news big one is a female! since tying it down at first it has grown alot of branches with alot of nodes and such but taking a closer inspection there is little flowers with pistles showing! im sooo happy the mistake plant is female
justt organic all the way sometimes i set up the desktop fluros adds an extra 1600 lumens, im usally an out door grower also organic but way with the ;ight from the sun i usally dont fail but with these plant not sure if i should put them by the window or ad some bottom lightting by the...
also the big one is some what showing sex i cant really tell it looks like spikes so i think it aint a male cauz usally there would be little footballs if it was male
yah ill be putting up pics later on today, yah its a pie pan but seems to do the trick no buring! yah i have a way with plants just treat them with alot a care and that will work with ya!
ahahah lol many folks dont know this but there is private health care inssurence here in canada but it aint as bad as in the states , the companys work with the public option and vice versa.
nice plann dude with aim for 1 gram per watt pretty good setup i would suggest LST! and as for the gun pic they might be legal but not a place to post it i know theres others on here that legally own guns im one of them but we dont post them cauz it makes a good majority of them uneasy
it best not be MG with time release nutes if it aint u should be ok and with 2 27 watters thats lust enough for probably 1 to two plants, ive grown with MG with time release nutes before from seedlings just watered every second or third day and turn out fine besides being a male plant...
gah that sucks see i live in canada and a quick ride downtown i can pick up me seeds in person from a seed bank, and there is this goverment bill be reviewed to see if it goes into law or not here in canada its called bill c15 and it bring US style drug war but i have a feeling it will die and...