hitler was trying to create his own religion by adopting and destroying other religions! lol
it is hows it has been done for ages its nothing but destruction, and the funny thing is it only religious people who seem to like to blame atheists for major conflicts!
bah iraq and afghanistan where invaded for for greed and a really old religious reasons, did you not see any of the stuff that g w bush said on the news he did say alot of by "god as my witness" and other thing that involved being very religious in his reasons for invading a muslim nation...
lol i went to my local dollarama and bought a couple 5.5 litler bags of soil from there its called magic soil and dang it does the job and its completely organic!
lol nice post but you got to know its not against the law to not pay the income tax crap, there is not one law that says you have to do that! and thats what the IRS is with holding fromt he people just so they can grab some more taxes and shit!
anyways happy holidays and have a happy new year
LOL, gah all yah did was point out the universe is expanding! no proof here of a "creator" plus its way to hard to believe in the theory/ fiction story of a alll powerful creator!
ummm im look forward to fallout:new vegas, M.A.G, Medal of honor, SC2.....
im seriously sick and tired of the COD series due to people with poor gamers touch ( campers ) it basically filled with people with no skill or talent at video games!
very small number of people with a gamers touch...
heres the photos i promised of the two females! and one is a new seed i just cracked open and now waiting on it to reach the light!
hope ya folks like :peace:
ahah yah ill keep my organic gardening tips on the down low, Im not really sure on the strain all these plants i have are from bag seed from some really good stuff i puffed on awhile ago
dont worry about nutes just plant them seeds in soil and your good to go just ginger them when they are young and you should be good, as a treat for my plants they get beer wine and all sorts of stuff i drink!
thnks lol i drink hemp beer and such, lol most folks dont realize this but marijuana is a plant they are like any other plant that produces ( or any plant) will take any food product or liquid and break it down to nutrients. i wont use chemicals on my plants at all so yah
I like gardening so...
so its been aawhile since i posted my plants have decided to show sex and im glad to say i have two females! and the other one not sure yet giving it another day! here two pics ill post more up once cameras batteries are charged!
hopin to get some rep, yah this is completely organic all i did...