Here's the situation: I'm trying to grow bubbleponic herb with a friend, in HIS closet.
This means that although I'm the one who seems more committed to the project, he pretty much has ownership of it.
Before you try and warn me about getting ripped off, we're tight, and anyway I have my...
I was hoping you bunch could tell me haha
First grow, I'm just waiting for it to smell rediculous and to be more brown.
The resin is building sooo much every day :D
I wish ACT laws would be more plain... "decrimanalised" but its at the cops discretion to arrest you or give you a small...
Thats all photos of the same plant, I have another one thats just starting to flower (just transplanted into the ground, lookin good).
Its actually been ages, its my first grow, and I started indoors under not nearly enough.
I got the seeds off a friend, thinking it would be a shitty strain...
Yeah, I think I'll give it a shot, all though its already halfway through summer here in AUS
Still, isn't it weird that no one else really talks about doing this?
Whats the cons of setting up a bubbleponic system under the sun?
I have everything I need except money and lights. I don't see why no one ever does it. I've never seen the thread here..
obviously its not very stealthy but neither is a 5 foot monster. :weed:
Maybe i'll give it a go and tell...
No harm in waiting, you can leave the males there as long as you want as long as the pollen balls dont burst.
Otherwise, maybe keep the hermie for seeds (in another very very very clean room)? lol
How did the cops find out about your grow the first time?
If you're going all out you might want to be extra cautious.
If police get any reason to be suspicious (a second time) you'll be boned haha
It probably helps if you've been a member of the site for longer than what, a day?
Get yourself a reputation mate. Also your post's title should be relevant to your post...
You should check out LSTing, I haven't tried it, but it seems like it would be suitable
Basically, just top it so it grows out wider or tie the top down.
How often, if at all, do you need to change the water in a small bubbleponic setup?
Its been there for about 3 months... also do you guys think its worth buying a ppm metre? Or just doing it by feel?
Started this on the 27th April, with hardly any research, over watered, under about 20 Watts of CFL light.
Actually I had 4, and 2 were males.
Think I should harvest in about 6 weeks?
I saw your other post about growing in the forest. you might want to start small scale, to get a feel for it first.
I'm pretty sure you dont want to grow with rockwool outdoors, its more of an indoor hydro medium.