White widow has one of the highest THC percentages of all strains, that is one reason why it is so valued, another being its sexy leaves ;)
Northern lights and Ice are great strains too.
You can choose a strain from either the Sativa or Indica group depending on what kind of high you want to...
should you start decreasing the amount of time the lights are on during the vegging cycle when you predict your flowering cycle will come? or start decreasing when you hit the flowering cycle already and then slowly inch toward 12/12?
Never thought about doing 12/12 from seed to harvest to speed up the process.
I'd recommend the Hash strain if you want to get through the whole process quickly. The Hash strain is also a High THC strain that stays short and has a great yield.
What does the hydrogen peroxide do?
I feel as though a nutrient cocktail will be a disaster. I'm trying to go organic so I'm using molasses so far. Still researching other nutrients.
The Christian church doesn't have the cleanest reputation in history, no matter how much they wash their hands.
There are pro's and con's to all religions. Just keep tokin' and you might just answer your own question.
This forum being a State in itself, I'd like to enforce the Separation of...
No, even PayPal will not help you out.
What you see on the PayPal/credit/debit statement is different, thats what the company just sends you so you can put together 2+2 and remember what you bought and how much you spent.
Since your PayPal account is linked to a bank or credit/debit card...
You're absolutely right, better be safe than sorry. Just make sure there isn't a roach complaint and that no one (neighbors) sees you toking when at home. Try to keep weed out of the car, the smallest speck is evidence. I learned the hard way a little too late too, but you shouldn't worry about...
The light is diffracted into different spots and thats how wrinkled foil is good. Your car reflector is the same, it's not smooth is it? It has tons of small ripples
I guess you can either paint the inside of the box white and not worry about foil or mylar burn.
If you wrinkle the foil up a little more then the light won't reflect off the foil in such concentrated spots.
I think it's definitely a little overwatering, its just so easy to overwater and not notice. Do you have runoff holes in the bottom of the pots?
Theres a picture of the overwatering burn that I had with my plants.
They're in 2 separate pots now.