you grow is going great bro...
i like what the other guy said get your clones out there bro :D the more the better..
i have found a primo spot that i am going to rape with lowryder 2's in the next few weeks :D
wish found this spot when i was growing my other stuff would of been...
O4aUsErNaMe hope you had a fun night last night mate.... :D shattered i didnt get an invite to come hint hint ;) i guess there is always next time :D
hurry up and put a pic up so i can steal it for my msn avy :D heheheh lol
hey guys been awhile since i updated this thread so i thought might as well put a few pics up since they are going into flower
one is my budi-ful sativa :D she has just gone into flower.. and the other in my white widow :D
enjoy ppl
hey T- rex... waiting on that update mate :) or did i miss it on the last page........... way to pissed to even try navigate back there bahahahaha
love your work mate... truely my idol
Mr Orange shovel thank you for this great idea brother +rep for you
next thing you know we will see this tek on other sites called the orange shovel auto watering system or O-SAWS for short ;)
great job mate
this is the ed result of the biggest and besst plant i had going atm rest i piece little widow yourgoing to a better place... straight in the ground to make some super mulch muhohohoh hahahahaha
does anyone clow if this is over watering or under watering