I am sure i am not the first to say this but it has to be said... you and your friend are gorges :-P I truely hope you both have a boys that is true to you...
P.s if you ever in aust :mrgreen:
yeah sure did mate topped her about 4 days ago :o
P.s those ladies in your avy and the pic below it are banger... if you know em and re ever in aust look me up :D
hey guys just another update on the side projects.... and yes i know i need to transplant the ones in the pot i just need to wait till the weekend life is pretty hectic with training and the new job atm.. but i swear to god the ones in the pot already have a funky ass smell that just brings a...
hey just an update of my clones :D
they havent seemed to grow much but i have noticed something is munching on the leaves grrrrrrrrrr time for a dose of that stuff that burned the fuck out of the other plants... i think ispray em at night and not go so heavy on the sprage this time round...
sorry for the long dely on the pics ppl been hectic with the new job and jus started training in power lifting again so only leaves 1 hour if that every 3 days go check up and take a few snaps of my ladies
well here they are something dug up these ladies which was pretty up setting when i went...
It was jusst placed that way as it was getting late and i had to make tracks when i get time to get back up there i will deff give her, her own little hole to play in :D
Hey its been about a week since these lovely clones were gifted to me from the clone fairy
I only had time to take pics of 2 of em cause it took me 2 hours to find a dam spot for em that was secluded
well well well looks like one of the ladies is going to make a full recovery and the other one is a little worse for ware but i have a feeling by next week she will be past that time of the month and will be a pleasure to be around
here are some pics