Changing your water every 2 weeks is overrated. I change mine once when i go to flowering and once when i flush. So thats about 6 weeks of just topping off with water and the adding back nutes untill ppm is back to the target spot.
Hey Quickee, i was reading a thread and noticed that you were growing a strain called Purple Lady. Well i got some beans of that strain and was wondering, How you like it and How does it look and grows? Thanks
This is how STUPID some of you are ( the ones who think Obama does Not have a birth certificate). Do you really think you can become the PRESIDENT without showing a REAL Birth Certificate? C'mon you can't be that blinded by the fact that you do not wanna see a man of ANY color than white to not...
LMAO LMAO LMAO Please just stop it all ready. Out my post, the only thing you could come back at me with is calling "lame and sophmoric" and a "lack of Brilliance" cause i called it a "WEED". You have officially hit the wall. :wall:
FATMAN please DO NOT respond back to my post. I don't care to...
LMAO:lol: Did you really just compare growing some WEED to you driving drunk through a residential neighborhood at high speed drunk. I'm gonna allow you some more time to come up with a better analogy. Cause that one sucked and proved nothing but how you suck at comparing things.
It amazes me how some of the people here act like there is only one or two ways to do something. I do this all the time. When i got to flower i only change it once at the 4 week mark and then when i flush. And i have NO problems at all. ITS A FREAKING WEED not rocket science. Stop acting like...
You need to find a NEW HOBBY to keep your mind busy. And last time i checked there not "Niggers" there African American, not that i expected someone like you to know the difference. My Mom always told me " IDLE TIME, IS A DEVILS WORKSHOP".
P.S. This will be the last time i look at this thread...
You can trim the bottom of the roots without having any problems. When i first started i had the same problem and i would cut or should i say trim some of the roots and i NEVER had a problem. IT a WEED it will come back as long as everything else is OK. Actually i still do it to my mothers all...
So you peopel are trying to tell me that " People can't get in clubs with fake ID's but you can be a president with a fake birth certificate" You have to be stupid to believe this shit. This type of shit does not happen with any other president, but the moment he is of a different race then...
You can't be the PRESIDENT without a real birth certificate. LOL Are the people who believe that he does not have a birth certificate really that stupid? Everyone knows you can't do anything without a birth certificate and a SSN. And some you really think that which is the sad part. "THE...
People like you ANNOY me. Maybe you need to do more research. I don't remember seeing were they found there ID's in the rubble but i do know they got them from there passports combined with there bording pass. And i'm sorry to tell you but there were NO survivors on any of the planes that...
Thats really ignorant to think that 9/11 was an inside job. Osama Bin Laden has openly took responsability for the attacks. And we all know that most are saudi's who were trained in Afghanastan and iraq and probably some of those other places there also. These fools went and got study visa's and...