wow thanks for the link yo. that list is long haha.
those are all like actual cannabis compassionate care places? all places people go to get there medicine?
I just have a quick question -
How many Medical Marijuana Dispensaries are in California in total? Just even a rough estimate. Take a guess if you have to. And/or if there is a website that shows all of them - that would be incredibley helpful.
it's a shame what people will write on the internet. idk i mean i am not pressin nobody at all but why would you write on the internet that you dealt with kilos of yay? TO ME thats just not smart even if it's in the past. but thats just me.
Tahoe58 is that a pic of you on your avatar? gorgeous...
i don't think it's shaped funny for either to be honest. they both look pretty close to what he looks like. but if it were a seed i would think they'd make him brown.. unless they just thought brown wasn't "herbally supporting" so they made him green (i'm making up terms now) haha
actually i just found this website that has a few inline diffused pieces and shit. that's the type of stuff i'm looking for. but it's called
anyone else got anymore?
see i've seen a forum from another website that says to go to but then another guy said that there are better websites to go to if you're in the U.S. I don't think has the pieces that i'm talking about. Doesn't anyone else know some other websites?
"Weed ain't a bad drug it's a good one. What's it do? Makes you hungry, happy, and sleepy!" - Katt Williams - the quotes definitely not exact but you get the gist.
Ong Bak is definitely an insane movie. same with the protector. it's the same dude tony ja i believe his name is or something close. he practices mostly Maui Tai.
but SOME of my favorite's lately are.....
i wouldn't be the one to say it wouldn't work. i'm open to anything especially something built on a code of honor like that. obviously i don't know much about your idea so i'm not sure. but it seems better then what we have in use right now. the economy is controlled by the banking elites the...
hahaha right rightttt. you know what i mean. the restaurants are real legit. i guess Ethiopian food is just food that people eat over there that are in power or actually have money. to be honest i don't know the situation over in Ethiopia so i shouldn't really comment on it. but obviously...
you can watch it on youtube in like 8 different parts.
here's the link:
that's only part 1 out of 13. the reality vs. illlusion is the last chapter of the movie. but i would suggest watching the whole thing. Stay open minded to it. And it actually...
ya i find it ridiculous as well. what's your idea that would completely rid us of our currency? I mean really our currency is already in the works of being changed. After the North American Union is finalized and put into place. All of America, Mexico, and Canada will all use the "Amero". If you...
what if there is something to do with it? i honestly think that the elite bankers that run our government is going to stage a catastrophic event on dec. 21, 2012. if there is one - i think it will be staged. They may use it to start martial law and have a reason to form a world government...