I've looked and looked on google and couldn't find shit. I know my cigarette's smoke will hurt any plants or buds - but:
Will marijuana smoke hurt a growing plant?
Will marijuana smoke hurt any loose buds I have drying or just laying around?
On the last post you did in this thread, with those two pictures, the second pictures looks exactly like this herb that comes around. We call it zombie weed cause this shit makes you wanna eat mutha fuckas brains son!
allllright so the best conclusion i can draw up from all these opinions - and is the most logical is that:
He's either a seed with the calyx still wrapped around him - or he's just a calyx with the tip of the calyx and two pistils or maybe they just added hair to him to add characteristics...
awesome awesome i think i will do the same. now when you start feeding - what type of nutrients and what mix ratio do you feed it? like what products do you use to feed it? i've heard of people just using a miracle grow mix. but i want to hear what more people do.
what type of fertilizers do...
haha .... KBL ...... you're right the country is in this predicament because of bush and cheyney - but obama is MORE then obviously continuing Bush's agenda. that's what sucks. the people separate themselves into these "left" democrats and "right" republicans, when the actual politicians that...
awesome man i'm definitely going to use the peat pellets. now once my seeds grow out to about clone size in the peat pellets - do i have to be careful about what soil i transplant them into? i don't want shock them. i'm planning on transplanting right into Fox Farms Ocean Forest. with that type...
So i'm going to be starting seeds in rockwool cubes for the first time, and I just want to make sure I'm going to be doing it right. I will not be germinating them before putting them in the cubes.
My plan is to just completely drench my rockwool cubes in water with the appropriate pH level...
haha i honestly did - i think it's just because i searched for actual colleges instead of classes. thanks for the info tho. very helpful. if anyone else has more please let me know. :)
I've been hearing from a lot more people that they went to a college to learn how to blow glass. I was wondering if ANYONE knew any information about where these schools are? Especially around Massachusetts, and just the New England/North East area. If you guys are any better with...
Haha my bad i'll try to re word it. It's a weird question to draw out with words, it would be easier if i could draw a picture out on paper. Basically I know what this is - but i saw one of these that also had a custom glass mouth piece that connected to the GonG joint that would usually go into...
So i'm looking for some specific heady glass. I can't find any examples of what i'm looking for online - there used to be one but it was bought - and now the pictures aren't even up of it. But the best way I can explain it is a bubbler. That detaches into like 4 or 5 different pieces. It's all...