emo Urca?
I think not...lol! nothing against Urca but I'm me & pretty hard to relate to anything...and emo? is it really the hair? if so that's stupid. lol
and ya know, flicking ciggies out of the car is a normal occurrence but my timing was perfect for a cop to come up behind me...i mean...
So I was riding down the road and had thrown out a cigarette butt. About 5 secs later, I see a cop speeding up behind me w/his lights on. I thought I was fucked so I swallowed my last j I have until I can replenish the stash on Tuesday. I pulled into the right lane, preparing to be pulled and...
Just created a tumblr page dedicated to South Park/Trey Parker & Matt Stone.
If you have a tumblr, you should follow & spread the word & enjoy :)
Hope everyone is doing good, it's been a long time :)