You just water until the water at the bottom has been replaced.... ~10% runoff...
Once you transplant and start giving Nutes.... It will grow a lot faster...
When the seedling has its 3rd set of leaves You can start to give it The lucas formula, at 50% strength....
Yah, there's no need for a dome now.....
You can leave the water in the Bottom.. That's kinda the point... Its fine, From now on That's ur "Res"...
I don't think Molasses would be beneficial yet, since it only feeds the Soil or Medium Ecosystem.. And you have none yet.... If you wanted to you...
Yah, you use the Coco when wet...
It will rinse when you water the Hempy.... That "dust". Is just the Crushed up pieces of perlite..
(*just to clarify i mean fill the hempy with the perlite and water it, that's ur rinse.. working with wet perlite is a bitch.... )
Don't Forget...
Wear a Mask...
I believe it would be...
Vortex for Potency...
And Plush for flavor, and Color if that's your thing....
But that's only observation..
A lot of ppl in here grow TGA... I got some goin rite now.. Just haven't sampled those yet....
(nd Gonzo (riu) has grown ripped bubba.. and bred it out to...
One of my recent packages got diverted two states over and came back for the first time ever....
I know Homebrew aka HS.. gets great results...
And hell even i have used Dyna Gro....
And boy did it ever hold its ph... After awhile i just stopped checkin it....
But its made for Orchids...
Ill change the name on my next order and see what happens...
I have a Mailbox, so 500 different people get there mail to the same address....
But first i gotta order a shit ton of free samples to that new fake name so the mailbox clerks get used to it...
I do this just in case a new guy or...
That's wussup KaB...
Cant wait to hear about the results...
Congrats on the WIN!!
Did u get the Caps here..
I used to make Shroom Caps, and Chemical caps years ago.....
Dude Bman... My Bad... I was in a Rush cuz im at work so i didnt add my usual Sarcastic... "LoL" at the end..... Or similiar...
Didnt mean for you to haftoo write that Novel under false pretenses...LoL
I actually Made two Solo Cup Hempy's last night as an Experiment... (my solo cup...
Hey sketch, your Collection is Pretty Damn Sick urself...loL
Nd im swillin to bet Its gonna a lot Better a lot faster than mine will...
(Lol... I wrote Swillin as a typo... But iono... it just kinda rolls of the Tongue....)
That Purple Nepali is a Beautiful Plant.....
I would of copped that...
You can try it if you want.....
Its like $12- for a 10lb brick....
Your not actually controlling the flow of co2, and you will have to replace it every few days....
In the end youll be spendin a few Hundred dollars on dry ice... A 20lb co2 tank costs $60- to $80 bux empty....
And it costs 15-20...
Like i said before, it depends on the genetics...
Solid breeders make solid autoflowers and you can run 24 hours light cycles the whole time... (<--not recommended)
I do mostly regular plants, but ill throw an occasional auto in there... So i just do 12/12....(once auto'd)
G13 isnt the best...
i got the GraveDigger and Klondike....
Already have the heri from sannie..
And untill i grow out one of the two i have.. Im not gonna go nuts on them....
But the GD looks good...
Aight.. Cool...
And Even the sequel of "The Gods Must be Crazy" was funny as Hell...LoL
So i guess The Leprechaun Seed Company is No longer a Part Of CZ....