That's sounds kick ass...
Yah if you ever got mushrooms that look like the runts of the litter..
Blackish bruised lookin stems.. with WaVy Caps.. Those are the cyanescens...
azurescens, look about the same just not those WaVy caps... Is i think how it went...
Thats what i get on the reg... It...
Think i might go with azurescens my first time wit shrooms... Seein as how i had some F'in Awesome trips on them...
I havent taken any in about 7yrs either...
How bout after they dry post a pic of the before and after...
Im glad one of us did this....
Nah im not over on at that other...
Thats what i thought you meant....
PPl gotta start typing AlienDog when they talk about CaliCon...LoL
But nah he used the F2's he made from Obsoul33t stock... No CaliConman here!!
Yah i hopped on the GorillaG bandwaggon as well. copped one of Each......
But With AlienDawg, and my AlienFire X's.. Think i got enuff ALien/Dawg in the Fold...LoL
Yah that doesn't make any sense....
JB said that the "office girls" were in charge of packaging/freebies etc...
So they probably aren't too interested in strain bio's...
They sho8uld at least pout the next, most similiar thing...
Just tell (ask) them not to put the logo on the package....
JB said that if a freebie was sold out, they would replace randomly... Kinda sux.. they should really e0mail and ask...
Hey i think ppl might enjoy this..
I know some have been thinkin bout this.. and some may have even bought this....
Its a Canadian Grower Just filimg himself Via Tripod using a spinpro for 20 min....(like 5-6 plants...LoL ohh ill do one more)
And holy shit is that thin Efficient.. I...
This one especially....
Especially cause he was so impatient he wouldn't let it charge..LoL
Its gotta charge like anything when its new.. for like 6hrs out the box..
He wasn't havin it.. 16 minutes.. try n smoke.. another 15 minutes try n smoke..LoL
He said the problem was it wasnt hot enough...
I was with him when he bought it...
That night we couldnt get it to work properly, and it was just nothin doin....
Conclusion == straight trash...
But he hit me up the next day sayin with an enthusiastic shout...
I figured this shit out son!!.. Come over right now.. And im like nah yo.. So...
Its a seedbank...(cannaCollective)
AlienDawg BX is the actual AlienDawg from Garden Of Dream seeds..
Not the Alien Dog version from CaliConMan seeds.....