Yeah.... im not convinced that they could not have told people to stay in doors and kids to stay home from school for a day or two while they get people to track these animals and tranquilize them... how ever whats done is done and a little part of me thinks they are better dead than caged up...
Im sorry but was there really a need for this... what would have been wrong with tranquiluizers... Someone should have to answer for this unneccesary cruelty!!!
Ok... This is my first Journal and my 3rd proper grow...
Grow space : 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.3
Medium : Soil
Lights Veg : 300 watt Cfl
Lights Flower : 600 watt Hps
Nutes : Canna
Seeds Arrived on the 14th Oct (Day 1)
Started Germination on 14th Oct
More coming soon > Chris
Not sure if it was a placebo effect like Harrekin said but i honestly saw a huge difference after the first week of using it... In a really small 50cm x 50cm wardrobe, which i coincidently had heat issue with...
Im sorry to hear that... I am too... a few years ago we were taking loads of e's coke and k one night and one of my best mates took a fit kind of thing and passed out... so we took him to the hospital but didnt tell the doc about the ketimine when they asked what he had and they gave him some...
I disagree.... sure theres a stigma with taking drugs but doctors hear that shit all day long.... They are there to help and lying to a doctor is not a good idea...
This is so simple... Go to your doctor and tell him/her the truth... Stressing out about it will only exacerbate (spelling) the problem... the mind is a fucked up thing... it can cure a body from cancer when it thinks its getting the right medicine (placebo) and fuck with it in a negative...