Sorry... I was doing the metric thing....
So going by expect 10 zips (280grams) of dried bud... thats been in the flower room for 13 weeks (91 days) under 560 watts of light....
There for 280 grams under 560 watts = 0.5 grams per watt in 90 days....
There for 250 grams under...
Ok so i thought i would type the extract about grams per watt... I have read alot on here about people claiming huge yields so i did some research and found this in the " indoor marijuana Horticulture, the in door bible" by George Cervantes...
Great work on that plant man... she's a peach... Dont want to piss on your parade but my understanding on the whole gram per watt thing is you need to include the time it takes and if i remember correctly... grams of dryed bud per watts in the flowering room for 30 day.... im pretty stoned and...
Firts Pineapple express bong hit!!
Your thread title made me giggle a little.... I was like yeah... must have been a nice hit from the bong with your spelling!!!
Yeah.... A few years ago before i was growing i was making really good money and thought it would be cool to by a 9 zip bar of nice hash... so i asked a friend of a friend to get me a price on one... a week went by and the guy didnt get back to me and by chance i was talking to another guy who...
I was in great form when i came home after work and watched it after smoking a couple of bongs and found it deeply upsetting... totally ruined my Friday evening!!!
Thanks Guys..... Yeah... definately gonna leave telling her for a few months... The one thing i like about the situation is she is not a local.... or native for that matter... She's eastern European and got a pretty good out look on weed.... put it this way... if she was a local Irish girl she...
The thread with the chinees child being run over should be removed... or at leased the video... it is honestly the worst you tube vid i have ever seen...
But look at the results... What result did you expect??? Easily toppled... Of coarse they were easily when they were being attacked from the air by Nato (the usa and uk) and being attacked on the ground by the "rebels" who were no doubt supported by Brittish and American special forces with an...
So... This has probably come up before... Anyway... Ive been seeing this girl for a few weeks now and although i have no intention of telling her any time soon... When do you think its safe to tell a new girl friend???
I grow in a spare bed room and she asked to see it and a said i had leased...
One of the mods should delete this thread.... Its friday... just home from work a couple of hours ago and and thought id check in at Riu....Curiosity got the better of meand looked at that video and it has completely ruined my day... Not something i ever want to see never mind when Im high...
When i said shame on Ohio, i wasnt just talking about the killing of these animals... some of which were very rare... but also the fact that this guy had already been charged with cruelty to animals in 2005 and been given a lot of warnings over the last 10 years and was still allowed to have...