i think theres a general bad feeling that comes to everyones mind when someone says alex jones, cos we have been brainwashes that conspericies are BS and dont believe anything they say. well why not? everything that i have looked up about alex jones is true. it makes me feel like a sheep for...
i watche that comitee meeting of wether or not to give the fed sestemic powers on c-span. the feds rep was full of shit! we need to get rid of the fed, we need to go back on the gold standard, and what happened to the 9 trillion the fed cannot account for???
isnt a hothouse like those huge thing like in x files? well i win there i guess but the whole idea of putting it in out food is kind of scary. and it is unspecified whether or not its perminant, if it is then that's bad! i want kids some day god damnit. another thin that torkes me is i bet only...
so this means that technology will be come autonomous? and to do what purpose exactly. i see more potential for evil than i do for good here, scary stuff. where did you get this info dude?