lmao shane getting ripped off was funny as hell. "hey, i'll give u a ride home" "sucks to be you, SHERRRRRRRT" lmao and of course there not gunna kill Nancy she is the star of the show.........and she is fuckin hot!!!!!but Andy and Nancy need to fuck already there just being stupid.
oh and...
weeds is one of my favorite tv shows actually.
i like the 5th season so far. i just seen the 4th espisode of the 5th season a few hours ago
im just wondering if any fellow growers really fallow the show because some say the show perpetuates the stereotypes of weed smokers and growers. but i...
we transplanted them and they wilted for a few hours but they bounced back with a vengence. i need more cfls tho or a break with all this rain.....one or the other....
damn 5 years, idk what i would of done. thats fuckin crazy. and u know what else? women are always sayin how men are dogs this that and the 3rd but when it comes to the good guys who arnt going to cheat, they are the ones who gets cheated on.....
yea man i still can't believe he's gone. all day yesterday we blasted MJ in the car and smoked i even car surfed last night screaming at the top of my lungs rest in peace Michael!!!!!!!!
that makes alot of sense. i did learn alot about relationships and what not so maybe the next time i can pick up signs i ignored befor and stuff like that.....
damn that shit is crazy. and michael is like that dude that you'd expect to live forever. i mean granted nobody does but what im sayin is we crack on michael for his faults but how many of us expected for there to be a time where he wouldnt be around? i didn't............
i got showtime on demand so i'll watch the episode now. but what kills me is i watch the show religiously but i never see it the night its sapposed to air on showtime i just watch it on demand................
yea i live in NY and it sucks.............................
and its not my first grow. this is my 3rd year in doing outdoor and i did a cfl grow once. but im excited about the seedlings because they were doing really crappy untill i took them in and now there doing alot better. and because...
yea i was hoping that it would stop raining this week so we can put them in the ground but it dosent look like its gunna happen so maybe i should transplant them..................bongsmilie but yea they are comming in pretty nicely one of them is growin crazy while the other one is taking a...
yea i feel you. but yea its saposed to be outside by now but its been raining like every day for i'd say a month now so its kinda killing us. i got some seeds im even scared to germ cuz i dont have a place to put them after they pop. im thinking about making a grow box and keeping these in there...