there not mine, im the foster pops. its been raining so hard so my boy couldnt keep them outside and he dosent have the equipment to keep in indoors so he told me to hold on to them and i've had them for almost a week now. but i've grown but this year is the first year im putting pics up
relax ma. it aint that serious, fuck that dude and that smut. it aint worth gettin yourself in trouble over some dude who obveously dont give a fuck about you. u get in touble do u think he gunna give a fuck? hell na. he'd prolly move on to your sister or some shit. so fuck the both of them. go...
ma dude, listen. you have to do your research, ppl arn't answering your questions because your questions are not specific enough. do your research, and then you can ask more specific questions and then ppl can help you out. im sorry if your stressed out but how else can someone help u unless...
ok so heres and update
the 2 plants are doing pretty good. im gunna try really hard to get some pics so you can see whats going on with them. so be on the look out for some pics
yea i mean im gunna be ok because we broke up once befor and i was depressed for a month but im not going through that this time. but im not gunna get into a relationship for a while
thanks, that means alot right now.i mean life isn't over and i realize that now. i need someone who is gunna be with me to be with me. not for what she can turn me into............
yea it fuckin sucks like crazy. i wanted it to work out so badly and i loved her and did everything to make it work, but she didnt so wtvr. im not gunna chase her, she has alot of growing up to do so im better off....... it just hurts so bad
lmao that sux u got farmers tan. i got really baked at the beach last year and i fell asleep and i got fried. it was the worse on my face. everyone kept leaving their handprints on my skin and it hurt sooooo bad......