There is always a stereotyping of some kind.......... of all different nations........ like if we think of Arabs-------- well...........
and if we think of Indians ------ well.............
and same goes for Americans - we have the image of a large red faced fat man with more money than sense...
lol lol lol out comes the troll
short fat droll
cant walk must crawl
pale white from the forum fight
but bathed in justified light
he must troll around
picking victims wherever they be found
then call an ask for mummy
to bring his dummy
coz he dropped it in his tinned soup
becoz he...
Grow is for Vegging
and Bloom is for Blooming
So you wouldn't use them both at once............. althou some people do......... and then lower the doses..........
the bigger the pot the better........ the bigger the pots the more roots the more plant........ more plant....... more bud.......... more bud more happy! :)
you can start in small pots and as you see fit keep on repotting into bigger an bigger..........
my usual pots are 18L and now I have my...
Im sure you get this all the time
but Flow!
You got such great boobies....................
U shud start yor very own Marijuana Modelling agency........ !!!!!!!