some people flush
some people dont
some people do it for days
some for 2 weeks
everyone has a different way of doing it
theres no right way or wrong way
just do it the way you think is best...........
under water?
also .... too short!
Chop tall clones - dont cut *underwater - just cut an angle and you dont even need rooting gel... you can place them straight into little pots filled with coco! Worked wonders for my clones! :)
I am definitely a fan of *Perlite .... I find the ladies love it!
No experience with FF all I know is from what I read on here - most seem to like it! Xcept the noobs who don't know the ff soil already contains nutes an their nuke their poor ladies ........ ;)
of course........... *the towel* .......... I'd forgotten the towel............ ***Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy**** - ALL you need is a towel!!!!!!!!!!!