Hello all, So I have been wondering if some of my plants are done early or not.. the reason i be leave this could have happened is because the shade goes on the plants by 3 pm... So i think it shortened up the cycle... I have some pretty good shots uploaded and im afraid the best ones got all...
no shit?.... awww man if its not the worms its the freakin rain!... WTF
good luck with the harvest man. i would be sooo tripin right now.. i had 1 day of rain this late into it and i was freaking out...
Hate the worm farmin eh?... Me too... i cannot beleave they dont make some type of butterfly moth repellent... like i said... a screen house is my next years project for sure... But then i said this last year too...LOL
yeah exactly... You should see what happened to my big bush ... but i fixed it with bamboo sticks.... Next year more planing... more money.. new mistakes...:lol:
Good luck all
Hey Growspace... I would highly suggest putting some type of support system on your plant. when that thing starts to fill out and flower its gonna need it. can you find a green net? put it on her now so she has something to hold on too.
Good luck man!
you better keep some clones off of that one... I bet shes gonna end up being a very pretty keeper... and how many plants you can say where happy for you to grow them?
I haven't used them yet ... but just from looking at these plants up close. I would say that anything that has crystals/trichs I would keep and cut off anything that didnt have them... Also make sure you dont put stems in there... and if you do you might want to mix in another bucket and then...
no its not... its an aweseom price for the set... 5 bags?.. 5 gallon bags?.... ebay is the shit man... I dont know the quality yet as i just ordered them. I already got my confirmation email from the seller so it will be on its way... this threads gonna get some hash pics!!!