I think that even if we did this with all of our infected caterpillar shit stuff i think it would be good. I mean i didnt pick shit off when i did mine... i kinda just stripped the plant let it dry and then worked it with ice... All the goodness... noo poop or bugs or nothing... the magical bags...
no problem bro... I ended up doing the wrap method...
first you have to put all of your hash in a celo type pouch.. i used to smoke so it wouldnt have been a problem... but since last year ive stop smoking cigs so i just ctu the zip loc off a bag and used that... i collected it donw on the...
im sure you mean to use the same "weed/trimming" for a 2nd spin right... not just pull the bags up and then pour the same water through it. right? it just sound funny how you typed it.
Yeha but you have to remember that this "Trim" was like allot of buds... and it probably was double the dementions i have been saying..LOL... I have a problem with size in stories LOL :roll:
LOL.... i know man... So i ended up pressing the hash after all... now they look like little bars of chocolate. I feel like Back in Spain. Feeling Young! lol
Morroco dont have shit on us Baggers..LOL
Sorry man... I just been too freaking fucked up...
I probably used about 2 zip lock bags worth per run. It was like 1/3 of a paper bags worth total....it wasnt that much trim.
lol... less?... LIke lower? LOL Low Stress Training... KInda like...water makes thing wet.
Did you just have a katt williams smart dumb nigga moment?
OK OK .. your my buddy so just this will do .... :twisted:
I dont know guys .. but i bought the bubble bags from ebay for 58.95$ shipped... or something like that... and now i have 4 grades of hash... and 1 of those grades i didnt like at all .. so nice to know its not in my final batch. I dont know I think for 60 bucks having the experience of having...