the same damn reason i dont go to clubs to roll anymore id have to smoke to be normal and like i really could tell i was a bit more retarded lmao, i also got trimingal neuralgia from grinding my teeth and it causes chronic pain so im done on em but i hear ya on rollin like the cookie monster...
haha we go up to the after hours clubs doin that we were bad into it tho wed go through a 100 pack of tabs between 3 of us and a few caps of G maybe a drop or 2 of acid( if we could find it there) and some K if the guy showed up lmao freakin out fin the club from 9 at night to 10 the next...
lol never heard that the ferts wont let em grow lol but they grow rite out of the top ive never flipped em over haha but hell we get a field full almost every rain we picked em so much in highschool that its jus like another day if we were to go do it now haha
yep shrooms are the shit jus go out early in the mornin after a rain or fog to a cow pasture and pick ya some look em up on the internet erowid is awesome for this and then dry out the good ones man me and a buddy did it and a few nights later ate bout 4 grams each and was in that movie...
lol thats what im sayin soil with nutes are a pain, and when you add more its like death, not to mention if you add a mg brand, i did the whole nutes in the soil thing ill never do that again ill add what they need lol
yeah dont add ferts to MG itll burn the hell out of her (hopefully) theres many factors but i bet its jus a late bloomer theres no set time for them to kick it in high gear