lol exactly i love freakin out to a point lol at least you dont have a friend that when he trips laughs super loud like a crazy clown / in sane person laugh like im not kidding you couldnt keep a straight face
dude i kno youll think im lyin but i seen a kid take 12 drops and was freaked out in cartoon land for like 3 days yeah it wont kill ya but you mite wanna be dead i hated 3 yeah fun but i wanted it to be over after havin the fun that nite lmao and the most tabs i choked down was 18 and holy fuck...
fuck you piss swallower ROFL :clap:you got me hayze i almost tripped out on your ass lol but i kept readin you cant screw with my bipolar shit like that lmao
yeah but when its looked upon as unsavory conduct and basically new to bein legal it can turn to shit for ya legal or not people dont...
poppers the liquid heart medicine lol i took the pil form one time and holy shit not cool ( my buddies mom was a head emergency nurse and a addict to precrips too easy to get ahold of stupid shit) lol some lean is some fun shit tho
he sure did you gotta kno how far you can push it if not your fucked for sure ... its not smart to say hey im gonna eat me thirty trip stack h bombs lol speed base is a lil dif but it if you work up a tolerance and kno what your doin you can still die
we always jus put them in a paper towle and put under a heavy book in a dark drawer and a few days later they should be ready,
same thing the dealers usually do is grow some or pick em dry em and bag em ....
and yes card stock shroom head press it down theres some spores mix into soulution...