If you look on TGA's website you can immediately see 4 typos... (and that's after he fixed like 6 of them)
Who cares really...
To fix that typo, it would cost mad$$$...
Plus i think those packs aren't even used anymore....
Orgin ---> Origin
Not so much...LoL
The most ive ever spent is a few hundred there... And they still only gave me One fuckin pack of Blubonic, or Blue satellite...
Its cool though.. The seeds come fast and safe.. And thats really all that matters...
I would recommend them still..
The last pack i bought still doesn't reflect it being paid, but i have it in my possession..LoL
And some of the beans came cracked....
Meanwhile, I opened a package from seurbidz yesterday...
He gave me an EXTRA Freebie.....
For no damn reason.... Lil Blessin #3 (10 or 11 pack.. i think 10) &...
Your IP will prob get banned if you keep tryin over and over...
It takes on average 2 weeks+ to get in... But that was Before he stopped accepting new members without help opening the door....
LastWood i can't believe it took that long for you...
We became mebers around the same time.. Give or...
There is a contact admin thing on most sites that works for anybody usually.....\
Or try this... @NightbirdX
I know you didnt "forget" your password.. But it might work..
Cause it will reset your password so you can make a new...
Just got my PM privileges back.....LoL
All my exp. with CZ are good..
Like every place ive dealt with there was one mistake, but it was dealt with quickly and beyond satisfaction....
Mr. C is cool in my book.....
Had sumin at SeurBidz, Was fixed quickly and swiftly...
Doc Bob = Cool 2...
Its prob gonna drop later....
*Just to Clarify....
The reason my PM privileges were taken away:
Some Random ASSHOLE: roachclip420
PM'd me and asked me about a particular banned member, and a site he may or may not have created...
I without thinking just answered his question not realizing it...
I wish i could give an opinion, but all i have are thoughts...
I think Bman has grown Both a-11 and the void... Wouldn't mind having that Cross Bless the Anals of the SCT though..LoL
Yah Wyte... Youd think if i did something, id have just been Banned.... Not sent to my room with the PM's taken...
Are they two separate...
Or... (Apollo 13 x Querkle) x ( Apollo 11 x GG)
Either Way.. Sounds Good dizz!!!
Purple Transcendentness........Mmmmmmmm
I still dont have any of Your Asshole Gear..LoL
Just sent out a few packs of my shit to a few ppl...
Included a Mix Pack, i labeled..
Yah, i think i may have to go read up on Ocannabis's directions for Takin pic's...
Dude this is weird.....
My PM'ing privileges were taken away....
I dont know how i didnt notice this earlier..... It must have happened like a few days ago....
What the hell?? YERRRR Sum1 PM me....
First Lemme Make you Hella-Jelly..(<----i hate that word..LOL)
Found my Charger BizSnatches.......
But!, I gots no Frikin idea how to work this thing... Its horrible for Close-Ups in Auto Mode...
Tried the "Tulip"... Still don't work.. I think i have to build one of...