I would never drop that kinda dough on a GSBX..
Especially not when there was a chance to grab Bright Moments... Which is literally Grape Stomper BX.....
And Dumbo - AKA Grape Stomper BX is really "Chemdawg Sour Diesel" BX
And "Chemdawg Sour Diesel" is really Headband x Sour Diesel....
(The Math...
Live long and Prosper Mr. President...LoL
Just checked out the new CZ site... Looks pretty cool...
Its true...
Its Survival Of The Fittest.... CANNABIS!!!!!!!!!
And only the Strongest Survive...LoL
I wonder if the Cannabinoid %tages will ever Plateau or will they just keep on...
Dude how could you....
That Geo used to belong to Harrison Ford when he was making raiders of the lost ark, He just so happen to sign his name on the steering wheel.. Of course its just a smudge now but you can still make out the H..
Should put a giant Bat symbol on the Hood...lol
(then write...
You have to also remember as soon as we talk about "swaps", we are talking about a potential criminal act...
We have just conspired to commit a felonious act...LoL
So why do we want this privilege?
I would re-check fdd's instructions..
But, as soon as the pods are dry i would put them in an...
Yah i saw it back in Jan. on the Rare D thread they were talking about how CO was coming down hard on the seed business and how breeders were gonna have to stop operating within Colorado..
Except for a select few...
It was Moonshine who said it, and im pretty sure it was something along the...
You couldn't just allow trades for some and not for others, policing it would be impossible to control..
So just doing away with it is the only option...
No starting another "CannaCommunity" site and advertising isnt allowed because its "recruiting"... (i read again, and see thats not what you...
I guess because there goods are sold in a Store, from a location where its Legal to do so.. Or atleast in a "Grey Area"...
Trading is Legal/Illegal...
(depending on location.../\)
You shoulda PM'd that Warning straight to Kenny and MJ....LoL
I agree 100% on Super and TheRev....I had his book pre-ordered about half a sec. after i found out about it...LoL
Hey Hell, were you able to stay away from the 'Tude for the Bodhi drop tonight..
The same thing happened to me a lil...
The Z7 is the Z-series Colabo from Shanti and Resin seeds called 'CBD-Crew'.. 5:5 THC:CBD, 75:25 Indy:Sativa
Im seeing alot of people "breeding" almost exclusively with fems now... I guess well just have to see where it takes us...
I'm gonna have my Prepper stash of non-contaminated beans all...
Time to burn your clothes, and crop dust the quarantined area....
Plush x Sour Bubble sounds pretty good....
The search bar looks weird outlined in black...LoL
Cant wait to see how those CV X's come out in a Good Growers hands.... Ive been holdin off on coppin alot of CV cause they kinda rub me the wrong way...
Its all the same shit... 10% off...
Hey KaB.. What'd you get?????
Oh and KaB Burpee Is sellin Pineberries now.... they might even be at homedepot/lowes....
Cool!! only 9$ on their website...
If you foliar feed right before the lights turn off, they won't burn...
Since that's a lower branch, if all the new growth is healthy and unaffected you should be fine...
Hey airwave is your AV a UK only Joke?
Cause i dont get it...LoL
And yes Breeding is highly addictive...
Im planning my next adventure now, gonna go longterm on this one.....
During the first few weeks of flower is when they stretch 1-3x.....
Its prob a deficiency then, i would just flush and continue with the lucas formula...