hey bro i love your setup its baddass for real ive bought every setup none to man and more your system kicks ass period im convinced matter of fact i feel sorry for peeps that arnt doing this setup know netting works trust me i use to be a nonbeleiver till i saw my bros getting record yeilds i...
lol stinkbud thers nothing complex about a net i personally cant figure for the life of me why someone would want to go in there garden and use bread ties to hold up there buds if you have a net use ziptie and forget about it but hey what do i know kiss is rule and netting is as simple as it...
lol stinky i from the bay area there is a lot of kush strains but the og kush i have is a clone only underground only when u smoke it it gets u high right know and when u come down its like you never smoked.anything real clean i had a clone of a plant years ago called berry tasted and smelt like...
Ps try the og kush if u love the cheese youll love the og kush all my peeps only want the og kush its my personal fav and anyone that tryes it sayes its the best they ever had the taste is supurb and at harvest time theres hardly any leaf to take off its amazing i tell u matter of fact im going...
Your on it dirthwalker you can do it easy just buy the netting and put 2 to 3 layers you can zip tie the netting to the frame its real simple u might half to modify the stand to go higher thats easy too just a hacksaw and a couple connecters bam your done i just staple my netting to my walls i...
I have a freind that gets great yeilds off of rw he stacks two 6 rw on top of each other and the plants get huge he uses netting because the branches get so heavy they break got to love that peace
Rite on bro great job u might have more .some buds i call a bag of rocks because they will weigh a lot more than they look anyweighs great job again and a freindly bro tip make sure u replace your light bulb every round for the money of the light bulb and weight ratio of your bud its a no...
LOL I never said to kill his plants if he tops them and there real big he will choke out his garden this is indoor not outdoor outdoor u have more space dirthwalker is doing the stinkbud system LOL u are a master grower I'm not LOL
Ya I know what misters your talking about u need the red areo cloner misters those are the only ones you want and hey bro earls misters probably work but stink bud has desighned a way better system for us follow the directions and u will have a pound every 3 weeks
Hey bro when u get pissed off your cooking your brain and you don't think straight follow stinkbuds directions and take your time PVC pipe is great follow the directions the black misters are the wrong ones the hole is to small u want the red areocloner misters hope this helps remember this...