If its on the outside of the sink then scrub it with bleach.
If the aroma is coming from inside the drain, then jumbo has the right idea. Boiling water will wash it away.
Still disagreeing.
See? Thats why I suggested that we discontinue this endless debate ...but you refuse to drop it.
The only thing for me to do now is just disregard any further posts you make towards me on this subject.
Carry on.
No need in getting all upset, homeslice. I'm just telling you what I gather based on your statements... and despite your denials, I believe I'm correct.
Letting life deal with bad people doesn't always prove to be effective. There are plenty of people who do much worse things than theft and...
We're just gunna hafta agree to disagree. I firmly believe in revenge...
and you don't. Nothing more to discuss. Neither one of us are going to
convince the other to concur.
Its his word against the punk kid's. The only person that might put that label on him is the dude he's getting even with... so who cares. Nobody else is gonna call the OP a thief without any proof. If he says he didn't take anything, then I'm quite sure everyone will have to give him the benefit...
Wow, thats never happened to me. Most of the people I know smoke weed. Everyone who knows me knows that I smoke. I don't have a whole lot of friends because I like it better that way. For one, people annoy me... and for two, I don't keep my smoking a secret from my friends. The less people who...
You're saying that thieves should get away with ripping people off. You're saying that since its unguarded weed, its fair game... and NOTHING should be done about it.
I agree with you that violence won't work. That is the wrong answer. However, something should be done. People like that need...