I have. Fan leaves taste bad, give me a headache and don't get me high at all. I'll never do it again.
However, the small leaves which accompany the buds (the ones with trichs on em) will get you high. They don't taste very good either though.
I've found that simply going and checking on my plants everyday and picking the caterpillars or other larger insects off by hand and killing them seems to be very effective.
If that doesn't remedy the situation completely... then get some Dawn liquid dish soap and a spray bottle. Fill the spray...
It looks like Nitrogen deficiency to me.
As for watering once a day, usually, thats too often... but if its hot where you live... then it may be the correct regiment. Just be sure that the first 3 inches of soil are dry before watering.
What is this shit???
First of all, how did the owner of Northwest locate and reply to this topic so quickly? Secondly, the majority of people who are vouching for these companies have like 1-4 posts. This whole thread is fishy on so many levels.
I guess its a failure then because its natural for a man to become aroused when he sees hot, naked women... and this thread is full of naked chick photos.