So I must ask Today.. you seem to have a reasonable head on your shoulders- why Obama? What is it about socialism and empty promises that has you so blinded?
Wasn't referring to you personally FDD. =) You can't seem make up your mind between the two.. lol Can't say I blame you.. bad choice either way.. 3rd party is the only sane option in my opinion..
Alright.. didn't mean to stir things up in here.. just STILL trying to get an answer to the...
LOL.. didn't listen much when they taught about the 3 branches of government and the balance of power eh?
The 'president' you all seem to want is what's called a dictator..
Because he took so many steps to work on this problem in Illinois..:roll:
Oh yeah.. he didn't..
also.. reality check- the president alone cannot make that happen, the Congress must pass that.. and yeah- not going so good.
Besides that Obama's policies are completely socialistic in nature and that there is absolutely no power given to the government in the Constitution to do any of this..
My biggest question is where the hell all the money is going to come from...
Obama's proposals equate to hundreds and...
I am by no means insinuating that the 'haves should attack the have nots'. What I am saying is that when it comes to drive, to determination- I don't see those that 'want their handouts' being as motivated as those who desire freedom.
Last time I checked our bill of rights was for the...
I agree, most everyone can agree on the 4 major points- EXCEPT THE TWO MAIN CANDIDATES.. you can argue there's minor difference but when you scrap all the cream off the top, they both believe the same thing..
I know Med you are worried about the 'free market' approach, as are many of the...
Maybe it's time to remind everyone what liberty is and start reteaching our roots (since the public school system has perfectly changed history)...
Seriously though Vi- if it came down to a blood bath between those that want real freedom and those that want everything given to them.. who do...
I purposely don't cite my sources out of principle- though there are a lot that would like to disagree with my tactics (usually throwing a bunch of 'rules' at me that may I point out, were handed to them by others)- I think more people need to learn how to think for themselves. I'd like to hope...
When you can bring together the likes of Ron Paul, Baldwin, McKinney, and Nader- and have them agree whole heartily on 4 major issues, YOU KNOW LIBERTY IS AT STAKE.
The press conference was held this morning, all those that attended gave a short speech about how the 2 party system of this...
Nicely said Kludge.
It is not only our right but our duty (as stated in our Constitution) to OVERTHROW AND REPLACE SUCH A GOVERNMENT.
Our day shall come-
Extend it, I'd complete my entry today but the man is working till 8 and we only have 1 car.. he's got a day off this week though, so I could def. finish by the weekend. =)
I'm guessing the announcement is either a dual endorsement for Barr and Baldwin (they're both scheduled to be there) or Ron Paul is going to try and unite the 3rd parties..
Ron Paul couldn't announce an independent run this late- ballot access issues GALORE..
However, Ron Paul is on the...
For sure, McCain has been trying to get Paul's donor list for a few weeks now- kind of insulting with how they've treated us. Paul certainly will not budge and is holding a press conference with Baldwin and Barr this week- I'm hoping for a dual endorsement or some kind of uniting of the 3rd...