Once again his Harvard education fails to serve him..... basic reading comprehension is taught in Harvard id imagine. (or at least a required skill set for incoming students...)
Yet he fails to grasp basic understanding of things once he reads them.....Sad really.
Are you sure it wasn't ITT's...
I have some hash i made and i have been trying to read up on how to dry/cure it. I have had no luck, like with most things in growing there are 1000's of different opinions.
How do you guys dry and cure it out here in teh desert?
I have it on a plate drying, its sort of in chunks the...
I just fuked like ten Hooters Girls in my F-16 bro.... it was given to me by Lord Obama, for my courage and valor in battle in the Battle of Tehran. I also have a computer chair made of 15 year old french virgins....with Ankle bone wheels.
wait we are playing "Who can come up with the most...
I know 99.9% of people have heard the classic "I'm Sexy and I Know It"....
But what about the AMAZING "Sexy and I'm Homeless"?
Its fun to argue and banter with witty clever trolls.... this dude is weaksauce......
Imma go jerk off on my model wife, the drive my BMW into a Taco cart and steal all dem tacos, nothing will happen though cuz cops are afraid of my scary big arms and my tree trunk cock......Then i will go...
Ok now im starting to think that we are all picking on a Slow Learning Adult...... This nigga went full retard and never came back!
See more on Know Your Meme
Best you could come up with SHitTroll? Zona has GREAT weather, GREAT Mexican food, Sexy Sweaty mexican sluts E'Reywhere, cheapest cost of living pretty much anywhere in the US..... ya pretty dumb for living here. NEXT!
Dude owns a small grow shop and pretends to be Donald Trump ballin status... You are BARLEY making it at best in this economy... SoG HARDLY makes it and they probably blow your shit hydro bodega out of the water.
Also The people of the Arizona MMJ forums are special in that 99% if us are...
Listen up shit bird..... how can you proclaim to know SHIT about growing and say that looks like a nanner???
1st off you can HARDLY see it...its FAR to small to identify what it is....
2nd off .....