I like you Wolfie...but if you think our countries problems are from Obama and not Bush.......you have many a screw loose
But i love you...... RON PAUL for emperor!
I know its not ideal....buuuuuuutt will it work? OR do i need to get them out of the Rooters? Just dont wanna disturb them if they will root on there own in time:)
thanx for all the answers so far.
Sup Zoners.
I have a DWC cloner i made, and i JUST took clones the other day and it occurs to me i may have made a dreadful mistake.
I put the clones into Rapid Rooter plugs THEN into the 2 inch net cups for the DWC..... i am afraid this will suffocate my plants as the rapid rooters are...
Anyone else having issues?? I just found my first plant with a spider web on it and some black dots>.> GOing to get Neem tomorrow.... anyother suggestions?? Anyone else getting this problem?
Dr Heather Moroso.... Has her office down by 4th street right next to Shop420(looks like a felony waiting to happen btw)
Dr moroso is AMAZING, she was very sweet and nice, had me in and out with haste and professionalism. Was 65 for renewal, 30 to submit it for me and the 150 for the...
This is what you do....
1)stay on here....
2)make friends with ANY ONE of the Growers in your area...
3)prove you are not and asshole, scum bag or LEO....
4)start picking up 180 Oz all day long.........
Basically stay cool, stay here and be friendly and someone will take a "liking" to you...
I am trying out a small hydro set up to see how i like it. Though i have a question about ppm.
Using GH hydro nutes do i add Nutes until i hit my target PPM??? That will put me quite a bit over the "recommended" amount of 1-3 Tbsp of nutes per gallon.
Is that right?? Just add nutes...
BITCH YOU PUT HIS FIRST FUCKING NAME IN A POST........ You halfwit moron...... dont you even read your own posts?
People like you is why i have NO friends that grow, that I stay here in Tucson in my own bubble.....bitches like you are dangerous. You get a wild hare up your ass and think the...
Ya pretty much..... i haven't found anything but Mexican dirt weed.....But its coool, i still have some hash, and someone will come up with some soon^^^^