The UN deception, please watch and draw ur on conclusions. dont be a dumb shit and and cut it down unless you watch (cough jrh)
ya know i don't think its to big of a deal its a democratic judge replcing a democratic judge. and the supreme court of Pennsylvania is a higher court anyway. but i think she will be obamas puppet (just like al franken)
really? are you dick morris? do you have any idea how much the fed and wall-street caused this collapse? did you know that ron paul wants to abolish the fed and go on the gold standard and get rid of special interest groups? you aught to do your research buddy
why do you think obama...
i would not support McCain either and i did not support bush. i support Ron Paul. for he is not controlled by the nwo and he does not believe in special interest groups. he was the only candidate that stood for we the people. he would have had us out of this economic disaster, and well on out...
social security was set up to be a government run ponzi scheme. the few socialist aspects of out government have failed epically, which makes sense that were going to try socialism :wall:
and shit dude im paying 10x that for 2 terms of college.
theres people out there that have thought about...
you could'nt even hit the ground! lol
if its not based on the sun then why is Mars's polar ice caps melting, why is Jupiter's moons melting? the fact is the sun has a cycle that matches earths temperature better than al gores little chart that spans less than 100 years. i think it merits more...